At their heart (pun intended), love letters are an effective way to share feelings. Sharing these feelings can be vulnerable and therapeutic, but they are always an authentic way to satisfy the heart while laying bare the soul. My love letters to you are part of my expressive arts publication where creative entrepreneurs and changemakers (like you) can pause, read, reflect, interact, or simply be. Life is full of paradoxes, liminal spaces, and mystery; we view it all so differently. It’s what makes each of our stories beautiful and unique. So “take what you need” of my love to you for your journey wherever it leads. May you travel with grace, compassion, a to-go plate of soul food (‘cause ya gotta eat), and lots of laughter. *h/t to Langston Hughes
Take What You Need comes from the 12 step motto “Take what you need and leave the rest.” It’s the creative expression and offering of Lynette Davis, SFCC, mental health advocate, spiritual companion, love activist, and author of Success to Die For and a contributing author to Illuminate by Barclay Press.
She writes and speaks about faith, mental health, recovery, spirituality, the wholehearted pursuit of living by a love ethic, and all the awkward stumbling in-between. When she’s not crafting or curating narrative tales about healing journeys, you can find her collaborating on media projects and breaking down barriers with:
Introverted, geeky writers who aren’t shy about speaking truth to power
Artistic spiritual activists who enjoy traveling companions on the sometimes lonely road of unorthodox ministry
Queer creatives and healers who wish to refuel their self-love tanks before pouring into others
Other solopreneurs and self-employed folx who have tried and failed at fitting into boxes
Because changing the world needs people who don’t fit neatly in some else’s limitations.
“There is no spoon.” - The Matrix
Contemplative * Friend (Quaker-ish) * Blerd * Trial-by-Fire Tested and Holy-Grace Approved.
You can learn more about Lynette (moi) here and read my book here.
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